Dear MANS Member Schools, Staff, Colleagues, and Friends:

It’s the start of a new school year and that always promises to be a very fast-paced and exciting time.  Please remember to take some time and remind yourself that the work you are doing is to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ for each student that walks in your school. Each of us are living a mission to be Disciples of Christ and spread his message to all the ends of the earth. May the passion and purpose in Jesus’ name be vibrant in each of our member schools.

There is still time to join us for the MANS Education Conference and Expo: Educating with Passion and Purpose on October 18-19, 2018 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This is a wonderful time to connect with colleagues from all over the state and be reminded of the Christ-centered mission of our schools. This promises to be an exceptional professional development opportunity as we come together to celebrate and learn as educators in Christ.

In partnership with the Michigan Equitable Service Collaborative (MESC), MANS has another wonderful professional development calendar for the coming year. While details are still being finalized, most of the opportunities are outlined in the professional development section of MANS Notes.

Some key dates to note are our Public Policy Day on March 14, 2019 and Law Day on June 27, 2019 both in Lansing.

The Michigan Department of Education has been focused on making Michigan a Top 10 Education State in 10 years. With this initiative have come some changes. Please pay attention to a few of these initiatives by MDE outlined in this edition of MANS Notes.

Many blessings on the start of your school year.


MANS Executive Director